The number sufix after the hounds name indicates the year it was entered. (DH) = Dog Hound, (BH) = Bitch Hound.
Porlock 15 (DH)

Bobtail 17 (BH)

Sapphire 17 (BH)

Hobnail 19 (DH)

Hopeful 19 (BH)

Hopscotch 19 (BH)

Random 19 (BH)

Saxon 20 (DH)

Spartan 20 (DH)

Album 21 (DH)

Alibi 21 (BH)

Alpha 21 (BH)

Ballet 21 (BH)

Banish 21 (BH)

Hackler 21 (DH)

Harmony 21 (BH)

Saddler 21 (DH)

Sandstone 21 (DH)

Arrow 22 (DH)

Artist 22 (DH)

Bendigo 22 (DH)

Betsy 22 (BH)

Jackpot 22 (BH)

Jangle 22 (BH)

Jargen 22 (BH)

Jaunty 22 (BH)

Jazzman 22 (DH)

Jockey 22 (DH)

Joker 22 (DH)

Shilling 22 (BH)

Shortbread 22 (BH)

Showman 22 (DH)

Boatman 23 (DH)

Bombshell 23 (BH)

Bonfire 23 (BH)

Bonnet 23 (BH)

Bouncer 23 (DH)

Bowler 23 (DH)

Radical 23 (BH)

Raisin 23 (BH)

Rallywood 23 (DH)

Rambo 23 (DH)

Ransack 23 (BH)

Rooster 23 (DH)

Roxanne 23 (BH)

Hectic 24 (BH)

Heidi 24 (BH)

Hermit 24 (DH)

Hero 24 (DH)

Heyday 24 (BH)

Major 24 (DH)

Maple 24 (BH)

Marble 24 (BH)

Matlock 24 (DH)

Moral 24 (BH)

Motion 24 (BH)

Pagan 24 (DH)

Pageant 24 (DH)

Pancake 24 (BH)

Paris 24 (BH)

Parsley 24 (BH)

Pastal 24 (BH)